Digital social innovation for young people

    Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw and the Polish Society of Social Policy in Warsaw are the organizers of the 6th International Conference of ESPAnet Poland 2019. JKPU invited scholars, university lecturers, social workers and students interested in the subject of social policy, to participate in the conference. Conference was also devoted with social innovations with connection do YDSI project.

    The ESPAnet network aims to develop contacts between social policy analysts across Europe, and thus to act as a forum for the exchange of ideas and debates on social policy at European level. Encourages international dissemination and exchange of information on significant changes for European social policy and facilitates and promotes international research in this field.

    Conference was integrated with final Transnational Project Management Meeting.









    The short training/teaching event took place in Alzira from 3 to 7 June 2019. Most part of the event took place in the Mancomunidad de la Ribera Alta, in Alzira, although other training activities were also developed in the city of Valencia and many study visits were made to different relevant centers and entities.

    The participants of the training were mainly young people, including social educators, students and volunteers, who have contributed to the exchange of experiences through their training in the scope of education.

    Regarding the tasks and activities proposed, the training activities have been developed from a set of presentations, study visits and working groups related to Digital Social Innovation for Young People, in order to develop the exchange of good practices in this field between participants and partners from the different countries that are involved in this project.








    The third  project meeting was organized by RTA to verify the congruence of the basic framework with the project indication. There was planned the dissemination of project results and the training event in Spain. The participants  summarised  the training event that took place in Udine / Italy  in order to organize the training in Spain.

    Was coordinating by Ecoinstituto 29th  JANUARY – 1st  FEBRUARY  2019

    Participants - young people engaged in volunteer activities, students in social education and social educators.

    This short training event provided participants with knowledge and practices in social entrepreneurship. Experiences and examples of social entrepreneurship was illustrated and discussed. The participants from each country prepared POWERPOINT presentation about Digital Social Innovation in their own countries. To present some basic notions was used a social learning approach to analysed and  discussed for example: What is social entrepreneurship? What is a social enterprise? What are EU opportunities for developing social innovation initiatives? How to start a social business ? This training event also provided participants with methodological, technological and digital tools, which are allow them to collaborate on-line.

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