Second YDSI project coordination meeting in Sofia
“Digital social innovation for young people”
17-19 October 2018 in Sofia – Bulgaria, took place the second international coordination meeting within the project "Digital social innovation for young people" [YDSI]. The aim of the YDSI project is to contribute to enhancing the social innovation thinking and practices among young people. The Project leader is Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. J. Korczak and collaborate with RTA, Latvia; NAMBC, Bulgaria; MANRU, Spain and Ecoistituto, Italy. The project is part of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships for Youth: Exchange of Practices Program. Our University was represented by Prof. nadzw. dr hab. Mirosław GREWIŃSKI, vice-rector and dr Marek Kawa, Faculty of Social Sciences.
During the second meeting, each partner had the possibility to present their practices and experiences in digital social innovation (about 30 minutes each partner). Afterwards, a discussion panel were implemented, where questions and exchange of opinions were possible to be discussed by the participants to the meeting.
During the meeting in Sofia, the achievements in the project have been discussed so far and the plans for next steps, results evaluation, dissemination of the project outcomes. The training event to be taken in Udine in the end of the year was discussed and final conclusions were taken. Prof, Gilberto Marzano from Ecoistituto presented a short introduction about the place and timetable of the 1st short training event. The dates for the training event was decided to be: 28/01/2018 - 1/02/2018. The meeting finished with a summary and important decisions taken and with the signature of the list of participants.